The opposite of love is indifference
2019, Aspen, Colorado
A permanent public sculpture at Aspen Jewish Community Center
Stainless steel
10 ft (H) x 4ft (W) x 3ft (D)
The Opposite of Love is Indifference is a sculpture about love and standing against hate or discrimination in any form. It is about a journey. It is about life.
British artist Nicola Anthony makes sculptures which have been called “a journal of a thousand souls”, as she transforms stories, phrases and blessings, reimagining them as contemporary art.
This sculpture features quotes from writer and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, alongside blessings in Hebrew selected by Rabbi Mendel Mintz, about extending love and kindness to all fellow human souls. It also captures the spirit of the community - becoming the community’s story.
The full original quote “The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”, conveys the idea that apathy and lack of concern are more contrary to the essence of love than even hatred. In the context of his experiences as a Holocaust survivor, Wiesel shone a light on the danger of remaining silent or indifferent in the face of injustice, suffering, and human rights violations. He urged people to recognize that the absence of empathy, action, and engagement can be more destructive than overt hostility, as it allows suffering to persist without challenge or resistance.
The sculpture is stainless steel, designed to reflect the beautiful Aspen skies and the Chabad’s surroundings, as well as the faces of those who view it. The organic spiralling shape of the sculpture represents a journey, progress, and the path of life unfolding.
Translation of the meaning and sentiment of the Hebrew text (Chosen and translated by Rabbi Mintz), followed by text chosen by Melinda Goldrich (in bold)
Thank you to this artwork’s sponsor Melinda Goldrich of the GOLDRICH FAMILY FOUNDATION, and to the Chabad Jewish Community Centre.